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Perform FNAC USG Guided Test for Diagnosis

FNAC USG guided test in Dehradun

Every day, your body communicates directly with you. It gives you early signs of any problems or troubles that might be very apparent. That is why it is always advisable to visit a healthcare professional if you feel some unexpected changes in your body that do not recede with time. Most of the time we tend to ignore such changes, but that can be extremely harmful in the future.

What if you notice any lumps that were not present previously? Are they painful or do they don’t feel a thing? Did they disappear or have not receded in a long time? The only answer to these questions here is that they should not be ignored. The FNAC Centre in Dehradun is a step ahead if you discover any unidentified lumps or swellings on your body. You can consult your healthcare professional who can further schedule you for a test to find a timely solution if the need arises.

FNAC Usg guided test -FNAC Center in Dehradun

What is the FNAC USG guided Test:

FNAC, which stands for Fine Needle Aspirational Cytology is a test used to extract a small amount of tissue from the raised portion of the body with the help of a fine needle. This tissue is then smeared under the microscope and studied by doctors.

Any unidentified lumps or swellings which are palpable i.e. can be seen or touched easily or impalpable i.e. can’t be seen or touched easily, that appear without reason and don’t recede even after a considerable period can be dangerous for your body. In simpler terms, an FNAC Test is prescribed by the doctor to check if the lump or mass in the body is cancerous or not.

An FNAC Test is a minor surgical procedure, performed by a pathologist, with minimal discomfort and post-operative trauma. With Semwal Diagnostics FNAC USG guided Test Centre in Dehradun, you can rest assured that you are in the right hands for your procedure.

The procedure for the FNAC test is very straightforward; the general steps are as followed:

  • The skin area from where the sample is to be collected is first cleaned with an antiseptic
  • If the lump is palpable, the doctor might gently press the area where it is located to understand where the lesion has to be made.
  • If the lump is impalpable an ultrasound test has to be performed to understand its location. With Semwal Diagnostics Ultrasound Centre in Dehradunyou get an ultrasound test with a trained team of professionals.
  • The doctor would then withdraw the sample. Usually, around two to three samples will be collected for microscopic observation. Each sample might be collected in 20-40 seconds hence the whole test will be completed within 1-2 minutes.
  • Post the test the patient can resume their daily activities with ease.
  • FNAC USG guided test in Dehradun

Prerequisites for the FNAC USG guided Test:

No special preparations are required for an FNAC test, although this test should not be taken on an empty stomach. The test is performed by a pathologist, the patient is asked to lie down where the pathologist assisted by another trained technician may complete the test. As the leading FNAC Centre in Dehradun, we here at Semwal Diagnostics take pride in our well-trained staff and smooth and efficient process with accuracy in results.

Techniques of FNAC USG guided Test:

There are two techniques of FNAC Tests:

  1. FNAC with Aspiration:

In this technique of the FNAC, a negative suction is created. The needle moves to and fro in a quick movement through the lesion to collect the material. Post this the aspirated material is expelled on a slide for microscopic observation by the doctor. 

  1. FNAC without Aspiration:

The FNAC test without aspiration also known as ‘Cyptopucture’ is similar to the FNAC technique except here no suction is created. The needle is passed through the lesion in the same manner but as mentioned above there is no negative suction created. The material thus collected is then spread onto a slide as in the usual FNAC for microscopic observation by the doctor.

What do FNAC USG guided Test: Results Indicate:

The FNAC Test will indicate one of three things which are as follows:

  1. If the lump is clearly benign i.e. not cancerous.
  2. If the lump is clearly malignant i.e. cancerous.
  3. If the lump is non-definitive i.e. requires further surgical biopsy for further studies.

Safety of the FNAC USG guided Test:

The FNAC test is a very safe procedure that requires minimum invasion. It is a relatively quick and painless procedure, where the patient might feel a pinch-like sensation during the test. The FNAC test can result in slight soreness or bruising.

The test only lasts for a few minutes. Post the procedure the doctor may give you some ice to apply on the tested part of your skin which might help with the pain and swelling. There is generally no anesthetic administered during the test as it is only for a few minutes.

FNAC USG Guided Test in Dehradun

Many times we tend to ignore little things that affect our bodies and then we realize it was the tip of the iceberg. There are certain diseases that can’t be known to you through your naked eyes but you think you are attacked. For such diseases, you are advised to consult doctors so that they can give you proper guidelines so as to what to do or what not to do. 

These signs of trouble might be very apparent. But it is better to confirm with the specialist as at times they don’t recede. In the future, it can create a huge problem that we might regret later because you didn’t pay heed back then. Just like if any lumps were present you think they are small and will diminish as time passes but is it the case?  

Did they vanish or have not receded in a long time? The best response to these inquiries is that they shouldn’t be disregarded. If you notice any unidentified lumps or swellings on your body, the FNAC Center in Dehradun is a good place to start. If the need arises, you can speak with a healthcare professional who can further schedule you for a test to come up with a quick fix.

What is the FNAC USG guided Test:

Fine needle aspirational cytology, also known as FNAC, is a test that involves taking a small sample of tissue from the raised area of the body. Then, medical professionals smear this tissue under a microscope to examine it.

Your body may be in danger if it develops any unidentified lumps or swellings that are palpable—that is, easily visible or touchable—or impalpable—that is, difficult to see or touch—that appear for no apparent reason and don’t go away even after a significant amount of time. Simply put, a doctor will order an FNAC Test to determine whether a lump or mass on the body is cancerous or not.

Why is the USG-guided FNAC Test Done?

The doctor may ask for a USG-guided FNAC test or  Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy for various reasons. 

  1. When the patient has a complaint of any suspicious lump or mass of tissue beneath the skin which is painful at times. During that time  doctor may advise a USG-guided FNAC 
  2. For further development of tumours also a USG-guided FNAC test can be performed as per the advice of the doctor.  It is used to detect the progressive nature of tumours in those patients. 
  3. There are times when doctors don’t understand the current situation of the patient so to evaluate the ongoing process in tumours an FNAC test is performed. 

Techniques of FNAC USG guided Test:

There are two techniques of FNAC Tests:

  1. FNAC with Aspiration:

A negative suction is created with this FNAC method. To gather the material, the needle quickly passes through the lesion back and forth. Following this, the aspirated material is ejected onto a slide for the doctor to examine under a microscope.

  1. FNAC without Aspiration:

The FNAC technique is used in the test without aspiration, also referred to as “Cyptopucture,” however no suction is produced in this instance. In the same way, the needle is inserted into the lesion, but as was already explained, no negative suction is produced. The material thusly gathered is then spread out onto a slide as in the typical FNAC for the physician’s microscopic examination.

Procedure for FNAC Guided Test:

An FNAC Test is a simple surgical technique, conducted by a pathologist, with minimum discomfort and post-operative trauma. You can feel secure knowing that your treatment is in capable hands with Semwal Diagnostics FNAC USG guided Test Centers in Dehradun. So let’s examine the process involved.

  • With the help of an antiseptic, the skin area from where the sample is to be collected is cleaned first. 
  • If the lump is noticeable through touch, the doctor might gently press the area where it is situated to understand where the cut has to be made.
  • If the lump is intangible i.e when doctors couldn’t find its location even though the touch then an ultrasound test has to be performed to get its location. With Semwal Diagnostics Ultrasound Centre in Dehradun, you can perform an ultrasound test with a professional team. 
  • The sample would then be taken away by the doctor. Two to three samples are typically taken for microscopic examination. Each sample may be collected in 20 to 40 seconds, so the entire test will likely be finished in under two minutes.
  • After the test, the patient can easily get back to his or her regular routine. There are chances that after the test there might be some sort of swelling but it will soon get recovered. 
  1. If the lump is stated that it is benign then it is not cancerous.
  2. If the lump is quoted as malignant then it indicates it is cancerous.
  3. If the lump is non-definitive it signifies that it requires further surgical biopsy for further studies as even the diagnosis could decide whether it is cancerous or not. 

Safety of the FNAC USG guided Test:

The FNAC test is extremely safe to perform and causes little intrusion. The patient may experience a pinch-like sensation during the test, which is a quick and painless process. The FNAC test may cause minor bruising or soreness. The examination only takes a few minutes.

The doctor might give you some ice to apply to the skin area that was tested after the procedure to help with the pain and swelling. Since the test only lasts a few minutes, there is typically no anesthesia given during it.

FNAC Test Cost

The Cost of Ultrasound Guided FNAC Test near Delhi ranges from INR 5,000 to INR 6,000 whereas in Mumbai it starts from INR 2500 and in Chennai the range begins with INR 3000. So in comparison to the rest of the metropolitan cities, the USG FNAC Guided test near me begins with INR 2000. Isn’t it affordable? FNAC USG guided test in Dehradun is quite pocket friendly, but from where to do it? We have the right place for you! Visit Semwal Diagnostics Centre which is the finest Diagnostic center in Dehradun

Why Us?

Semwal Diagnostics is the Best Radiologist centre in Dehradun with pick-and-drop services. We adhere to the patient’s healthness first. It is your professional radiography center where we deliver the best services in Dehradun. We have F.N.A.C. Test – Test Results, Normal Range, Cost, And More on our bucket list so that your USG-guided FNAC Report time and USG Guided FNAC Test Procedure are done properly with highly qualified professionals under no stress. 

Do visit our Centre for any radiology test. For further details contact us on